Sunday 24 July 2011

Just mowed the lawn...

... and you could say it doesn't get more exciting than this... grrrr.

2 children's parties this morning so the dad taxi was in full swing. Son no.1 is off playing with mates and daughter no.1 is having tea at a friend's house. Wife is working so I am in full swing looking after 2 mini munchkins. Hence the blogging as I needed a rest :)

Oslo - crazy. Be interesting to see what, if anything, the muppet has to say.

Amy Winehouse - live by the sword, die by the sword. Troubled lassie with some original talent. All drug dealers really should be shot on first offence. That may have stopped her getting them in the first place... nuff said.

Painting wise I'm a third of the way through painting the old Garrison miniatures 'Space Trooper' range...

These were released in the 70s. I saw them at Northern Militaire when it was at the Lancastrian Hall in Oldham. I think I was 15 or so? Probably around 76'?? Finally managed to pick up the tracked laser cannon a few weeks ago so now have the set. Will I finish painting them? Probably not but it keeps an old man happy.

As always, leave a comment or give me a shout on

Sunday 22 May 2011

OMG I forgot about my blog...

Hi World,

It's a brand new day... well, 6 o'clock in the evening. The wind is blowing and the rain has stopped for now. The ironing has not done itself so I suppose I will have to start it soon.

Surprisingly enough the Rapture didn't happen last night or if it did I'm still here with the family (which says a lot considering my wife is religious). Maybe the Bible got the time/date wrong or it has been misinterpreted? Surely that doesn't happen... a religious tract being misinterpreted! Gosh, pigs might fly.

Must go, may even post more later...